Hands-On Lambing and Kidding Workshop!

Do you raise sheep or goats? Are you considering getting a flock? Here is a chance to get some practical experience from working farms that can help you succeed with sheep and goats.

Join us April 5th at Dragonfly Farms for a one day Hands-On Lambing and Kidding Workshop. We will be in the height of our lambing season, so almost guaranteed lambs born that day or brand new lambs from the day before. Ashley has a dairy goat due the day before. She will bring it to the class if it hasn’t kidded yet.

You will learn what to have on hand during lambing and kidding season. Learn about nutrition for mothers and babies. Learn about our experience with parasites, vaccines, livestock guardian dogs and more. Learn how to handle challenges with birthing and when to call a vet.

Ashley, Katherine and Bruce will lead the class discussing their experience with lambing and kidding. Ashley runs a small farm with top quality dairy goats. Katherine is a veterinarian. And Bruce runs a larger pastured lambing operation in his regenerative grassfed beef and lamb business. Three great perspectives to help you get your flock the best it can be.

Learn what we are doing now to care for our sheep and goats. Learn what we have tried over the years, what’s been a success and what’s been a challenge.

Bring your specific questions about your operation and your goals. There will be plenty of time for conversations including over lunch, which is included in the ticket.

Sign up for tickets here. Send us an email if you have any questions. Multiple people from the same family or farm will have a discount after the first ticket.


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